Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Flu Bug

We went from this yesterday to this........... today.

His little footsteps up the steps at 5am then crawling into our bed only to seconds later gag and hack and well it must have been a sight to see two adults bolt out of bed grabbing pillows removing pillow cases at the speed of sound and shove under heaving child!!  So we now alternate between throwing up,  passing out to sleep ,  asking for a bowl (he's so cute asking for a bowl since he doesn't say many words this is pretty monumental!!! and sad at the same time because he's so sick)  and then repeat.   He's got a temperature too.    My plans to take some more photos of the girls and then tell you all about the first day of school will have to wait until tomorrow or maybe it will be the end of the week post and you'll see it Saturday.   Since we just ran to the school dropped the girls off and ran home before the next bought came on.   Got to go throw some laundry in the machine and maybe eat something now that he's having a little snooze.   See you tomorrow.

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