Friday, October 8, 2010


So I was reading a blog that a girl from high school I knew is co writer with another writer, for Chatelaine.
One of the blog posts was Childless by Choice.    Now what struck me in the article.  (because this isn't me going off about how could people not choose to have children)   A part in the article hit with me personally in how I am dealing with motherhood.    "Having children might even make you less happy then remaining childless"
Until about a month ago I was not loving parenting.   I was angry and upset with hubby and kids quite a bit.    I could relate to that saying.  But then something happened a month ago , maybe it was the fact that I'm going deeper into what I need out of life and discovering that side of me,  working out at the gym and taking control of that body that went a little south after kids,  or  just having a day totally doing photography at a slow pace which I was craving but not getting the chance to.  I can't put my finger on it  I woke up not angry with the hubby and kids daily.   I started taking time to take photos when I wanted to not when someone could mind them.    I was seeing changes in the gym.   I was looking at mothers running all over the place and not just smelling the roses so to speak and was happy with the choices I had made.   Don't get me wrong I do freak out with the kids still when there is ice cream left all over the floors and cabinets.   It's just that occasionally all three of them with go off and play together for hours and not need parenting .     So for me.   That article was mind opening because "Choice"  we all get to choice how to live, love and just be.   Why do we judge and not be content with the choices we made.   I don't know but right now I am content and happy with the choice I made and it has been a long time coming.

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