Friday, June 24, 2011

Mommy Brain or Just Genetics?

The story behind this photo.    Picture early morning trying to get ready for the gym.   Mind going a million miles a minute thinking of all the things to do today.    Had to manually open the garage door and then as I pulled it down I squashed my fingers between the slates.  "Oooh get it off,  don't go down, go up,  go up. "   I then sink to the ground oh my god this #$&*% hurts!!!!!   I crawl to the front door and ring the door bell it takes Eric forever to get to the door.   But then I remember it's 6am and he's probably wondering what nutter is at the front door at this time of the morning.   He opens the door takes one look at my hand and grabs some ice.   I crawl in and place my face on the nice cool floor waiting for my head and stomach to stop swimming.     The picture doesn't look as bad as the pain,  it's a little purple these next days and the tips of my first three fingers are numb and tingly still.    But this leaves me with the title.   Is it just mommy brain setting in again and I do stupid things or is it that Cowbrough's at some point in their  life have to squash their fingers nearly flat or until the skin bursts and fat pops out?     I don't know but I think I am officially a Cowbrough because I've joined the club!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch!! That nail looks really painful!! Hope it feels better soon... Hugs!
