Thursday, April 15, 2010

"B" Black Widow Spiders and Balloons

So we do have some poisonous spiders here in Canada.   This is a Black Widow Spider and it is related to the Red Back of Australia.   So nasty little thing that had  been living under our hot tub.  She was ready to have babies so Eric sent her on a long trip!!!   Apparently we have rattle snakes too.  But they are on the other side of the river so won't be finding them in my yard thank god!!!  As I take more close ups I dream of a macro lens.  Or I should have just put the camera on a tripod.  Next time. 

I have thrown in another "B" Balloons.   As I have been trying to copy someone's shot.   It didn't turn out as I had hoped.  I think I need to do this with child number 1 that can take direction better.  These two are too stiff and didn't throw the balloons up high enough so I could get them caught mid air.   Oh well a photo to keep trying and one day it will look like I have in my brain.


  1. You can tell the black widow is related to the red back as it has the red spot but because you guys are on the upside of the world the red is on it's tummy....hehehe get it we are on the downside so the red is on it's back.Maybe it should be called red tummy instead of black widow's. Does it only kill men whom are married??Hense the name....

  2. oops that is Hence..not hense, am done for the day.
