Monday, May 17, 2010

100 People Project Challenge

Okay the Challenge to go around to people I don't know and ask them if I can take their photo.   My Challenge is 100 people and hopefully this will get me over being nervous about this whole new stage of my life.   This was my first attempt and it isn't what I was hoping for.   I'm trying to get more creative in my photos.   I took this photo as I was walking with Owen to the car.   Washing windows with this long brush just screamed take a photo.   I asked Norman if he would mind and he didn't as long as he could keep doing his job.     So I couldn't get him to look at me and I couldn't get under him for fear of getting wet or in his way.    This is as good as it gets.   The next few days will be better and I'll only post on photo.

1 comment:

  1. You are keen & couragous! I could never ever do that I am sure.....
    In one of your posts - blog what you actually say! :) And the response!! :)
    Great shot.
